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Apr 4, 2022
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As long as you keep wearing your mask and keep your immune system primed then you will likely be alright until the intranasals come around.

If novavax becomes available though... you should absolutely do the three shot regiment

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Apr 12, 2022
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Apr 12, 2022
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Ivermectin is not a treatment for COVID... an old friend of mine got wrapped up in one of those Q groups and they all went nuts trying to get her ivermectin.

Ivermectin is toxic at the levels you have to administer it to see any reactions, it has been extensively tested very recently for even mild cases.

It is not a treatment for COVID

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Apr 13, 2022
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tens of patients? I'm banning you from the article

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Feb 22, 2022
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I explain that last part... the stats are the same but the symptoms have changed. Since Omicron is primarily in the upper tract the damage is more brain and neurological heavy and folks are less likely to notice those symptoms unless they had high cognitive requirements in their daily life.

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I'm reading through the studies in that source and will prepare an edit to fill in that point... But I'm going to say it slightly differently and use the article it cites as a source.

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Feb 24, 2022
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#1... I really appreciate your feedback

#2... I have an update planned for this article that adds a bunch more sources and some new data that has come in the last week

#3... My next article is going to explain a lot of the questions you brought up because I do have something to explain a lot of that.

#4... Yes, there are many assumptions being made that are not accurate for this virus

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This was very well-explained and I learned a lot. Thanks for using the graphs and simple language to communicate the nefarious effects of Covid. No... it's not the flu.

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The synergies may be catastrophic. For example, an OpEd titled "Have we entered a self-sustaining modus operandi for COVID-19?" has been posted recently on Trial Site News (https://trialsitenews.com/have-we-entered-a-self-sustaining-modus-operandi-for-covid-19/#comments). It addresses potential consequences of COVID-19 "vaccinations" followed by repeated boosters. Because most of the critical infrastructure personnel in the USA (doctors, nurses, military, law enforcement, teachers, pilots, etc.) were required to receive the initial COVID-19 "vaccinations" in order to remain employed, and are being required to get the boosters to remain employed, the consequences for the USA could be catastrophic if the scenario posited in the OpEd comes to pass. Recent events suggest we have entered the initial phases of this scenario.

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Thank you for this.

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Thank you for reading it.

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Well done! A summary everyone should read, but mostly won't. My morbid curiosity (and a link from a well known and respected epidemiologist) led me here. I persisted to the bitter end (only truly bitter in that the truth itself is bitter)-- but the use of varying font sizes, emboldened phrases, and one-sentence paragraph zingers will turn many readers away before they finish and ingest all these excellent and documented insights. Your page needs to look more like a Vox article and less like a manifesto. Everything you have written is incredibly important, rarely communicated, and should be shared widely, so I hope my purely constructive criticism might help you gain a wider audience. Thank you!

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I'd rather someone complain about my writing style than the content offered in it.

I appreciate your comments and hear you... my goal was to make this readable by the folks who we can't get to read things and that means... gotta have jokes, keep it light where I can, explain it simply and space it so that their eyes don't get tired.

We can't get the folks we need to read these things BECAUSE we make everything look like a vox article.

But, my wife says its good advice and I will take it to heart.

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Your style was on point for a person like myself, FWIW. Disclaimer: I write in the same style because I, too, tend to have a lot to say and can go into detail that only a minority may be interested in.

It seems you're desiring a layperson/wider audience reach so I say keep it. [Most folks aren't used to reading 'the dry' and especially if it conflicts with their presuppositions.]

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The ones who will not read it already think they have the hopium. I see what you mean regarding the style but I liked the zingers. :) It seemed he was writing for the person who might otherwise glance away and he needed them to remain engaged; perhaps for the person who is a visual + easily distracted?

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It also gives an easy spot to get back to where you were... lots of people can't focus very well so losing your spot means you exhaust yourself just trying to figure out where you left off... so I write like that so your eye can quickly find where you left off

I've written about 20 articles this way and they have always been very successful

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Excellent article Don! Thank you.

This is a compelling summary of why public health will be absolutely destroyed if we continue down this ridiculous and deadly path of normalizing and celebrating chronic reinfections as a means to super immunity and herd immunity.

I am sharing this with my network right now.

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Very appreciated, thank you for the kind words and the shares.

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First off, thanks for the article. I have linked it to a few other people, and I'm not here to downplay anything, but I will have to look more into the sources.

One thing that warrants criticism in my opinion though is something regarding the picture after "But only after melting into a cell that has the ability to create that specific damage." which you've pulled from the video you linked as source.

According to the source video, the picture shows red blood cells that should deform when passing through capillaries, but aren't due to auto-antibody induced stiffness, which leads to restricted blood flow to e.g. the eyes (which is what they tested), and the brain because the blood cells just don't fit any more. The researches were able to reduce stiffness and thereby increase blood flow to affected tissues by introducing a drug called BC007, which targets and neutralizes the responsible antibodies.

Your phrasing makes it sound as though these were syncytia, which, according to the source, they're not. I think it would be worthwhile to rework this section.

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I admitted it was what I "thought" and the lab itself said they were looking into it but they didn't know for sure as they had not tested for it yet.

They have to extract those particular cells, which is challenging...

But the thing is that was being used as a visual aid, not data. So, if it is or isn't is not relevant to the larger article.

See how the cell has all those little bumps on it?

We see those on invaded cells... it could be either S protein on the outside of the cell or it can be smaller cells that have been pulled into the viral syncytia.

But either would mean cell invasion.

So, technically, the lab doesn't know if it is but I had seen similar cell formation on other charts

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Thanks for the comment though.

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My colleague Dr. David Scheim has published some fascinating papers in his retirement on C19 and hemagglutination and the rouleaux clumping of red blood cells. His most recent paper gives hope for the reversal of this process in the presence of spike protein when presented with ivermectin in vitro. I would be pleased if you and your followers would look at this paper and comment: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35269703/

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So it's all covid's fault? Nothing to do with the gene altering vaccines? And we can't live with it? And you are selling treatments. Got it.

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Nope... I am not selling anything.

and no, it is not the vaccines.

Though if you do choose to get vaccinated, there is some concern about heart inflammation so just take it easy for a day or two afterward.

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Btw you should know that a huge portion of your DNA is on loan from viruses already...

Half of you is literally already virus

Well... maybe more in your case.


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I'm also curious about your background.

Sadly, I'm not as courageous as you are getting all those still EUA jabs so early. Decided to wait til the results were in about all those "tests" from BIGPHARMA, that are still proving to be elusive?. So far everything out there is only from the drug corporations. the FDA website actually describes all this.

So I'm a hotbed of many viruses?

Who funds the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory? Just curious.

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Novavax is waiting on FDA approval... It's a standard protein base vaccine with really good outcomes... so, hopefully you won't be afraid of the non-RNA ones.

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Would you be kind enough to link to the reports of "really good outcomes" for the Novavax? Thanks.

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It will be in the next article... This is breaking 10k so I'm starting it tomorrow.

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Best layman summary I have seen so far for the disease. I understand Japan has had a nasal spray vaccine in trials almost a year, but I've lost track of it's progress due to the fog of language. Also Cuba has been developing a nasal spray vaccine in development, but again, in this case it's the fog of politics/boycotts which makes it hard for me to track. Hope you can have better luck than I.

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I am tracking all of it and will have a lengthy update in the second half of the next article.

It's going to be brain invasion and off-ramps.

And thank you for the compliment, if everyone can't understand this then we will never get ahead of it and save each other.

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i'm going to be the dissenting opinion here and say this is written terribly, both for supposed "smart" people, and the "not smart" ones you say don't read (don't read doesn't necessarily mean can't read, you know). it is just vague enough to sound like you're talking bullshit without informing and also just specific enough in oddball areas to make it seem like you also want to impress "smart" people that you aren't just talking out of your arsehole. it's obvious you're trying to serve too many different kinds of readers without serving any very well.

there's so many asides, tangents and whatever that the person who lacks time is not going to read this either. also, it's about five times too long.

perhaps next time try NOT assuming that the person who doesn't read is an idiot. and no, i'm not one of them.

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The majority of our country reads at a seventh grade level...

I did not make that up, that is a fact.

If you need to speak to majority then you need to write to the majority.

100s of people have thanked me for explaining it in simple terms..

And this article currently has 13.5K views...

Of those 13.5K views... you are one of two people who have complained.

So, I'm pretty sure the problem is you.

Also, I suspect you don't realize that everything underlined is a source.

So, those "opinions" are sourced facts.

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I agree with nofool. The style is wildly schizophrenic, and not particularly elucidating.

The 'layperson friendly' similes are not used in such a way as to explain the technical jargon used elsewhere in the article. They seem mostly to be there just to emphasize the points you're trying to make, and so much so too. The whole article is a weird mix of bold, italics, bold italics, constant ellipses, frequent headers, picture quotes, mini lists, and graphics. It's hard to take seriously, and comes off more as a rant.

You also start by trying to discredit the reader on the first page (I'd quote the paragraph for more clarity, but the article isn't written in paragraphs). Your alternating between thirsty-self-congratulatory and then kneejerk-defensive responses in this comment section just drives home the frenzied theme and distaste for the reader.

I'm far from a long covid denier.

However since your thesis amounts to you explaining to me that "not only is the sky falling, it has already fallen on you and %75 of the people you know, you all just don't even know it" perhaps coming off as a little more staid would go a long way to help convince me you're not overreacting. Are 7th grade textbooks written in such lunatic prose? For now, I'm just going to have to keep reading about the topic elsewhere.

So long, and thanks for all the links.

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Hi, I was the the grassroots strategist for the Bernie/Progressive movement from 2016 - 2020 ... I admit I am a bit jumpy but for some reason these folks just keep showing up to attack me... weird, right? Totally, I know.. anywho, me talking like this is probably driving you crazy because you are what is known as a "Binary mind"... Ikr, crazy... you believe that certain things must fit in a specific form... probably just bitterness from when that individuality you used to have was erased from you by whatever trauma you experienced.

I cannot make a clearer point right now than we are in this together.

The world is on fire, people are dying every day, things are getting overwhelming and that can be a lot.

So whether I like you or people in general has no bearing on whether I believe that people should have the right to enjoy life to the maximum potential

If that potential for you means, reading my article and trying to reinforce the idea that you are still better than me, even though that was not my goal and its not a competition... then have at it.

tell me how you really feel

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Hey Don, what do you think of Dr Patterson's research on long covid saying lingering s1 protein is causing it and treatment options with immunomodulators + statins

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It's PART of the problem.

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Thank you so much for this! I have shared with people who are a. important to me & b. because I really want them to understand what I've been screaming into the wind for quite some time! I am a brewery/restaurant owner and have continued to keep the inside of my restaurant closed! I am at moral and financial crossroads but I value the health of my staff, guests and friends more than $$. The only thing keeping us going is that we have a large outdoor beer garden. I live in Missouri, so the winter months have been brutal and every restaurant nearby has opened to full capacity inside. It terrifies me to no end. Your information absolutely helps me in sticking to my guns related to mitigation of risk/exposure/ and the need (at all cost) to avoid re-exposure. I could go on, but you have a dedicated follower in me and I look forward to (with some dread ;( ..) to more information from you.

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My pleasure, I'm glad you enjoyed and understood it.

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I like this article but dude who are you? Why was your old twitter account suspended and what is your background, if you're just a lay person like me that's fine but it would help your credibility if you shared anything.

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I appreciate that you are trying to discredit me but I have a long history as a journalist and clearly, I am an expert on this subject or I wouldn't be able to share in this depth. If you had tested the links, one of them links to COVID interviews I was doing in early 2020... I was already an expert then... But I spent two years perfecting my understanding so that I could explain it to you.

This article has been viewed 13.5K times and has been shared by experts in their field.

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Oh you're right I was mostly just clicking links to research papers. That's a nice interview and is the kind of stuff I was asking for, thanks.

Not trying to offend or discredit, but just googling "Don Ford Journalist" doesn't bring back any results of you, so I'm sure you have a long history as a journalist it's just not accessible to people interested.

Your work stands on it's own but I just like to do my due diligence.

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I admit, it's complicated and I have not done a great job keeping my work up to date. I don't do this as a job or for money, I do it when change is required.

But my wife is kinda demanding I also make it a job now, so here we are.

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Thanks for the article. It gave me a lot to think about. I am with Interested Reader in wondering about your background. I think a brief bio/about me blurb would help orient the reader. As I got deeper into the article, and saw how in-depth your analysis was, I started wondering about your science background or training.

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As a cancer survivor from the mid-noughties, I am curious about the increasing reports that are seeming to implicate a dose of COVID with the increased appearance of new cancers in general and specifically, 'rare' cancers. The appearance of rare cancers, to my mind, means a person' specifically programmed 'Killer T-Cells' are failing on their job. Probably due to depleted numbers and not having been replaced. Is your reading coming across these reports as well ... ??

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yes, that was one of the points I was trying to illustrate but I didn't want to get overly specific.

That's a sign of a damage from the increased inflammation and the weakened immune system

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Anyway Don, you've written the best article to date on the topic of Long COVID The Danes especially need to read this, let alone all the other politicians that are "Letting 'er R.I.P."

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What a compliment.. thank you.. next one is on brain invasion and what an actual off ramp looks like. That one is going to take me a bit longer...

But at some point, I have to do one about the immune system and I have been dreading writing that for months... cause that nonsense is complicated and everyone interprets the data differently.

It was a pleasure to write and if I can help even just a few people weather this storm then I know it was all worth it.

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Nassim Taleb on twitter has basically said taking vitamin D supplements is a bunch of BS, I still take them because it cant hurt/might help, but I lack the expertise to know whether he is correct or not. Could be that the studies he analyzed to debunk Vit D were just poorly conducted or something. Anecdote- the elderly man and his wife that I cared for likely got covid around christmas 2019-January 2020 and he passed away in February. He was severely ill but his wife (both 90 years old) barely got the sniffles. She uses CBD for her glaucoma and an inhaler (Budesonide I think) for asthma. I wonder if those two things made a big difference in her good outcome. CBD potential is a good excuse to get stoned all the time anyway. Lord knows I need it these days. Thanks for writing the article. I will try to get my family to read it. They are 100% in the ''its mild'' mindset unfortunately...propaganda works. (The Akira reference was a good choice btw)

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Some folks don't process Vitamin D properly, and I have a friend who I was just talking to about it who has to supplement consequently... So, Vit D supps are fine but like I said earlier... if you can get sun, its better... The big thing with supps is making sure they are made out of something natural and organic... Sometimes it can be a bit shocking what they put in these.

RE: elderly couple.. yes, absolutely... inhalers have a steroid, I think that's how they work... and the CBD oil is proven to block covid... but men are at greater risk for covid in general... though behavior is a bigger factor than anything. I suspect men are more at risk for COVID because women are more likely to treat their symptoms earlier.

It was a pleasure to write and I'm happy it's helping folks understand it better.

I hope your family comes around for their sake... and the Akira part is easily my favorite part of the article... for some reason I love making it seem like I lose my train of thought in my articles... its stupid, but it makes me laugh every time I read it.

Be safe, be well... and make sure to follow me on Twitter... a nice community is building

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Both of those have been shown to have positive effects on the deadly virus that kills unhealthy 83 year olds.

Nowhere near as much money to be made for existing out of patent treatments though.



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COVID is a top killer of children, you are just a heartless and stupid person.

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I read the article carefully, then I tried to find out more about you. It isn't clear what your education and/or experience regarding infectious diseases/pandemics are. I note a comment below requesting that information but didn't see it directly addressed. My go-to person has been Rob Wallace, who wrote "Big Farms Make Big Flu" and "Dead Epidemiologists - On the Origins of COVID-19."

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You know, gail.. can I call you gail?

The best way to look at is, I am just like you.

Just another concerned citizen making sure that I am doing everything I can to not only protect life but the quality of life of our friends, neighbors, and family.

I think that is something we can agree on, right? A bit of common ground?

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Oops, I put my reply on the top. Yes, call me gail. You can see my response even though I should have scrolled down before I posted it.

The reason I'm overly curious about long haul symptoms is because I am 81 and have an auto-immune problem. I've had four Moderna shots and feel pretty safe. However, I am in contact with many people, but almost always outside and don't wear a mask because because I'm never with a large group of people.

No need to respond, but I appreciate it that you did.

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You are pushing a fake narrative that protects big pharma

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Oh really? Is that why I have been pushing through a dark horse vaccine from a non big pharma company?

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