Twitter permanently suspended my account tonight for "spreading COVID misinformation."
Which is just hilarious at first, but this is not a funny situation.
Hi, I don’t write many articles, but I thought I would give everyone a quick update.
If you are seeing this, you likely subscribed to my substack from an article I wrote called “This risk of Long COVID Explained” which is what makes this both humorous but also not funny at all since my article has been checked by experts in every field with close to a 100k reads… And many have used that article to protect themselves.
Next, I have a big Novavax article coming up that everyone should enjoy, I won’t be able to email it (too large) but I will send out a secondary article with a link.
TL;DR: Novavax is a better vaccine but we need multiple shots for the proper effect, mucosal immunity is on the table but not confirmed, and recently boosters were opened up to anyone who had only gotten the first two shots.
That’s about 50% of all the vaccinated so far.
If you were waiting, that door to get Novavax might be open to you now.
If you are concerned about more boosters not being available in the future to hit the right timing, just get it now and we’ll work out the rest of the timing in the coming weeks. The basic goal is to best protect people from COVID however we can…
But, if you follow me on Twitter…
Trolls brigaded my account and got me permanently suspended.
Now, Twitter has made a habit of having their automated feature be abused, and that allows folks who can’t actually support their theories with facts to abuse said automation to silence people they disagree with.
Again, this is not a new problem from Twitter or social media in general…
Just recently, Taylor Lorenz published an article that explained how Twitter was suspending and banning folks that shared appropriate information.
This is just another example of something similar, trolls abusing automation to get what they want and it’s difficult to say how complicit Twitter actually is with them.
We have people who are advocating for the death of human beings on Twitter but when I show you what they are actually suspending me over you will see that even a basic discussion or an incorrect theory can trigger this automated response.
Obviously, it is not working as advertised.
If you didn’t know, Twitter has a policy to permanently ban any account if they violate their COVID misinformation rule three times. But what makes “misinformation” is not even clear… It’s just anything whoever doesn’t like…
The three-strikes rule isn’t keeping COVID deniers and anti-vaxxers off of Twitter but instead is primarily being used against folks who want to help by those that want to hurt others.
Basically, this automation turns Twitter into a giant HOA where any illiterate Karen can come in and say they're unhappy with any random thought you have…
And Twitter uses an automated process that ALWAYS takes their side.
You may want to ask? How does one person with a complaint outweigh the thousands of people who follow someone? Shouldn’t they just be asked to block the account and move on? Isn’t that what they do when we flag sexists or racists?
Yes, yes they do.
There should at least be clear guidance, but that’s not how they do things.
All of this leaves the system open to being manipulated by trolls.
Keep in mind, I had tweeted over 44k times since last January as I try to answer everyone’s questions… but THREE were considered problematic.
That’s .0068% of all my tweets… Clearly, something is not functioning correctly.
There is no place in the world where 99.9932% is considered a failure, except on Twitter and that simply doesn’t make any sense.
The first two warnings were for relatively benign statements…
The first one was early in the search for the cause of Pediatric Hepatitis, and we had seen that type of injury from the vaccine in EXTREMELY rare cases.
This was ultimately wrong, but there was science to back this… That’s a link btw to the same type of autoimmune hepatitis being reported in a single case of V-injury.
I’ve said this was wrong, I have no problem both reprinting a theory I got incorrect or saying later I got it wrong… It would be strange if I got it right all the time.
But this was basic theorizing at its core… It actually says, “open to having my mind changed” and it was… What more could anyone ask for?
It was addressed as a possibility and almost immediately more cases sprung up disproving it as a possibility… Kids were later found to have been vaccinated with the adult version and there were no reported side effects.
Did I deserve a warning for this? Maybe, but I can and did accept what happened.
The second one doesn’t have that excuse and was for talking about V-injury.
Literally, the key point on Twitter the last few days has been “Yes, it causes heart issues, but less than COVID.” Which is pretty much exactly what I said.
That article I linked even makes the EXACT same argument but it’s from the American Heart Association and they said it on Aug 22, 2022…

That was published just 9 days after I received a warning for it.
This could be as simple as a matter of Twitter not being up to date on the science.
Or possibly something more nefarious…
This happened just a few days before Taylor Lorenz started her article so I didn’t get grouped with all the folks who had their warnings removed but it was at the start of that wave of bans.
The only difference between what I said and what the heart association said is that I approached it from the opposite perspective of confirmation that this happens, which was apparently… not okay? But how is ANYONE supposed to know that?
BTW, we think that this happens because the S1-S2 cleavage site was left intact in RNA… It is theorized that when that cleaves it releases a neurotoxin that could cause COVID-like injury but with very specific and limited symptoms.
Still being worked out but I have tweeted about that many times.
Novavax removed the cleavage site and that’s likely why we don’t see this problem with it.
Now, before digressing any further, they won’t show me what my third warning was for, but I have been promoting Novavax hard, which is by all measures a vaccine, and the simple fact is…
Twitter’s rule to protect people from COVID misinformation is being abused to put people at greater risk of COVID in general which just needs to be said over and over.
I should point out that the two things those tweets have in common are that they both reflect poorly on mRNA vaccines… It wasn’t that anything I said was untrue, though my theory was incorrect it was based on accurate science…
It’s that what I said was unflattering for mRNA and once again, another corporation is protecting pharmaceutical companies under the guise of protecting people.
And this is a problem for anyone who wants a better world to live in.
But even more menacingly, if they are suspending accounts like mine but leaving up racists and sexists, we have all RT’d them denying the report, this also means that Twitter is actually a Right Wing website masquerading as a neutral space.
The truth is that if they’re giving equal ground to racists or sexists at all means they are starting from the Right Wing position and then it’s not neutral. You simply cannot create a neutral space when one side wants to kill or exterminate the other.
Which makes this no laughing matter.
This could change, but only if people are aware of it.
Maybe I will get reinstated, maybe I won’t. But I know nothing will change without some type of outcry… So, feel free to fight for me on this one.
It’s me today but it’s anyone who disagrees with minimizers tomorrow.
And the way this is going, that could be anyone that cares about protecting themselves from COVID and Long COVID.
It should also be said that minimizers are really just Corporate Influencers, influencing public opinion online in a manner that helps those corps make a profit.
If I don’t get reinstated, it was a pleasure helping all of you and I hope you will follow me here or on other social media…
If I do get reinstated then it’s pretty much the same but we continue to push for greater protections and driving accurate science that protects people.
If you want, you can reach me on Facebook and I’ll be Twitching soon.
One way or another, I’m not going anywhere.
In the meantime, a lot of folks will wonder what happened to me so please share this where it can be seen… But on the bright side, now I can finish the Nova article.
Until next time.
I will update this if the story develops. For now, subscribe here for more updates.
I just subscribed to get updates. Thanks for your tireless contribution to ending this pandemic and for fighting the good fight. We'll follow your work on here instead of Twitter.
Sorry, Batman. We love and appreciate you. Are you going to try and come back under a new account? I’m sure we could get your followers up pretty quickly.